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Role permissions

User Roles and their permissions

There are 4 roles in APIsec. Admin, Project Manager, User and Basic. Below is a chart showing various system activities of the 1st 3 roles. Basic role is not used.

Functionality Use Case User Project Manager Admin
Login Login with SSO Y Y Y
Login with a temporary password Y Y Y
Login with password-only Y Y Y
Login with a password and 2FA Y Y Y
Recover Credentials Forgot Password Y Y Y
User Onboarding Add New User N N Y
Add New Users(Bulk) N N Y
Add Guest User N N Y
Remove Guest User N N Y
Reset Password - Local User N N Y
Modify Role - Local User N N Y
Modify Role - Guest User N N Y
Activate - Local User N N Y
Deactivate - Local User N N Y
Activate - Guest User N N Y
Deactivate - Guest User N N Y
Activate 2FA - Local User N N N
Deactivate 2FA - Local User N N N
API Onboarding API Registration via API Gateway N Y Y
API Registration via Spec URL/File N Y Y
Add Environment N Y Y
Clone Environment N Y Y
Update Environment - Base URL N Y Y
Delete Environment N Y Y
Update Environment - Add/Update Authentication N Y Y
Update Environment - Delete Authentication N Y Y
Update Environment - Disable Authentication
View Environment & Authentication Y Y Y
Manage Variables N Y Y
Manage Profiles N Y Y
Schedule Job - Daily / Weekly / Monthly N Y Y
API Configurations Configure Categories
- Activate / Deactivate Category
- Re-Sync Category
- Configure Scenarios / Tests
- Update Assertions
- Update Severity
- Activate / Deactivate Show Responses
- Activate / Deactivate Skip Filing Vulnerability
Manage Playbooks
- Generate Playbooks
- Delete Playbooks
Manage Payloads
- Update Payloads
- Lock and Save Payloads
- Unlock and Save Payloads
Project Management Rename Project N Y Y
Delete Project N Y Y
Add collaborators to a Project N Y Y
Reload Specification N Y Y
View Spec Comparision Report Y Y Y
View Spec Analysis Y Y Y
View Activity Logs Y Y Y
Scans View All Scans Y Y Y
Delete Scan N Y Y
Run an ad-hoc scan Y Y Y
Rescan Y Y Y
Reports Send Summary Report Y Y Y
Send Detail Report Y Y Y
Send Penetration Test Report Y Y Y
Send Developer Report Y Y Y
Send Compliance Report Y Y Y
View Summary Report Y Y Y
Download Summary Report Y Y Y
Download All Vulnerabilities Y Y Y
Download All Endpoints Y Y Y
Download All APIs Y Y Y
Integrations Configure Playbook Backup Integration N Y Y
Configure Issue Tracker Integration N Y Y
Configure Notifications N Y Y
Configure Report Storage N Y Y
Global Integrations Configure Playbook Backup Integration N Y Y
Configure Issue Tracker Integration N Y Y
Configure Notifications N Y Y
Configure Report Storage N Y Y
Configure API Gateway N Y Y
Add / Remove Skip Endpoints N Y Y
Configure Teams N Y Y
Configure API Groups N Y Y
Configure SSO N Y Y
Enforce 2FA N Y Y
Scanners Manage Scanners
- Create Scanner
- Delete Scanner
Vault Manage Secrets N N Y
Private Categories Manage Private Category
- Author and Save as Draft
- Rebuild and Launch
Security Center View Security Center Y Y Y