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Jira Issue Tracker Set up

This document outlines the steps to setup your Atlassian Jira account with APIsec.

Reading time 3 min

For FAQ information on how the Jira integration works, go here.

Setup Jira Issue Tracker

The expectation is that you already have an account with JIRA or know how to set one up. You can find more information here.

  1. From the homepage select your project > Then, select the Configurations tab.
  2. Select the Integrations tab from the top menu.
  3. From the left menu select Issue Tracker.
  4. Choose an Environment Name Profile.
  5. Select Jira for the Issue Tracker.
  6. Create New Issue Tracker Credentials by clicking on the button. Or, select from the Credentials dropdown if it's already created. You can create a new user with read/write access to the test repository.

Note: You'll need the your email and and API token to add your JIRA account (more info on the popup).


  1. Once you add the credentials, add the Issue-Tracker URL.
  2. Add the Project Key. Should match the key value from Jira/Atlassian project page.

The following fields are optional:

  1. Assignee Account ID. e.g.
  2. Label should be a single word without any white spaces. If more than one label to be tagged, provide comma (,) seperated labels. label1,label2,label3

Activating the toggle button will log the vulnerabilities to Jira.

Finally, click on Test Credentials button to validate the connection has established and click Save.

If everything is setup correctly, you'll see Valid Jira Credentials message at the bottom of the screen.


Once the account is set up, you'll start to see tickets getting created with any vulnerability that's detected as shown in the screenshot below.

jira-issues logged